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Computer Centre of University of Maribor SLO | ENG

​​Access and security

  • We set up an Identity and Acces Management (IAM) System, introduced the digital identity ime.priimek@[guest/student] and university email addresses for students, access control matrix of student and staff access to UM services, introduced personal and institutional digital identities, introduced a user password reset system with  two-factor authentication and laid the groundwork to extend two-factor authentication to other systems, harmonized privileged user accounts at UM, integrated the application for employees to take over their digital identities (the app has a sub-feature that creates an email address for the user when the digital identity is taken over), documented the system, integrated the “IT-Kiosk“ service with a self-service feature (user change requests: Create email inbox, Increase the email sending limit and Manage digital certificates).​

  • The IAM system is fully automated and adds or revokes (terminates) privileges for all employees and students based on data from authoritative data sources.

  • We introduced digital identity-based login for all web and desktop applications managed by the CCUM.

  • UM became part of the identity management federation as an identity provider under the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA) Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI).

  • We ensure authentication mechanisms for UM users for external applications (AD FS).
  • ​​Dell IDM DEMO Centre; a success story (“A smarter approach to user identities").

  • Information Security Policy (ISP): We drafted underlying documents and ensured adoption of the ISP at UM (framework ISP, ISP for users, ISP for outsourcers, ICT ISP), drafted additional documents (e.g. recovery plan, data backup policy, etc.), prepared binders to maintain and archive documents on the realization of ISP-related tasks the CCUM is entrusted with (e.g. organization of activities, time plans, worksheets used to record tasks and duties, etc.), and set up a security incident register.

  • IS authorization under administration of the CCUM: We set up the process and drafted documents (reports, forms) underlying the verification of user privileges for access to information resources managed by the CCUM.

  • Security checks (network, IS).

  • Computer protection: We installed anti-virus and anti-malware software (Sophos Antivirus, Sophos Intercept-X).