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Computer Centre of University of Maribor SLO | ENG


  • We upgr​​​aded the user authentication server (radius) for the Eduroam wireless network; users can now log in with their digital identity.

​​UM network

  • We upgraded the network to a three-tier architecture.

  • We introduced and implemented IPv6.

  • We replaced central and WAN switches, upgraded network equipment at Headquarters and Student Dormitories (change of switches), new optical cables at locations Smetanova – Gosposvetska and Faculty of Medicine – Smetanova, and laid the groundwork for a back-up location at the Faculty of Medicine.

  • We regulated the internet network schema at UM (backbone network, faculties), regulated automatic archiving of network equipment configurations at UM (rancid), regulated network traffic routing between the UM network and ARNES network (BGP protocol), regulated the routing of network traffic in the UM backbone network (OSPF protocol), implemented separate routing tables in the UM backbone network (VRF lite feature), introduced a tool for automated network scheming for the UM and faculties' backbone network (mnet), set up a server to obtain IP addresses from UM network devices (NAV - Network Administration Visualized), installed L2 safety mechanisms onto UM network switches, installed a router used to configure and monitor AeroHive access points at UM, set up a system used to collect and analyse journal logs from servers and network equipment (Graylog cluster, LogArchive, OMS), set up automatic network equipment configuration (Ansible), and implemented DHCP for end-users.

  • Set up a firewall for UM in the UM backbone network and set up VPN services for UM.

  • Added remote UM faculties to the UM backbone network (Faculty of Logistics, Faculty of Energy Technology, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Faculty of Tourism), and assisted faculties in configuring network switches. 

  • Joined RIPE.

  • Transitioned from the central university domain “" to the domain “" (http protocol).

  • Prepared network equipment specifications for equipment procured by UM and advised ICT coordinators.


  • Introduc​ed IP telephony at UM. ​